Tax and the Electric car revolution

electric tax accountants kendal cumbria grange

From 1 September 2018 a new advisory fuel rate of 4 pence per mile applies to electric vehicles. This means that if your employees have electric company cars and they meet the cost of electricity for business journeys, you will be able to reimburse them at a rate of 4 pence per mile without triggering a tax liability or having to report the payment to HMRC. If, however, the payment exceeds 4 pence per mile, any excess over that amount is taxable and you must report the profit element to HMRC on the employee’s P11D or deal with it through the payroll.

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The start date for Making Tax Digital (MTD) for VAT is fast approaching. If you are a VAT-registered business with turnover in excess of the VAT registration threshold of £85,000, you will need to comply with the requirements of MTD for VAT from the start of your first VAT accounting period beginning on or after 1 April 2019. If you are VAT registered but your VATable turnover is below £85,000, you can choose whether to join in, but if you do there is no going back and once in MTD for VAT you will need to stay within MTD for VAT as long as you remain VAT registered.

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